Saturday, January 11, 2020

GOD WAS LAUGHING IN THIS VERSE - “He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision” - The leaders and rulers of the earth held secret meetings on how they can destroy and eradicate the people of God. In today’s terms, they were strategizing on how to destroy Christianity or remove every Christian influence from society. Does that sound familiar to you, no matter what nation of the earth you are living in today? The Lord, who sees the secret meetings, and knows the plans and intents of the hearts of men laughs at these men and women. He sees the futility of their plans, and knows their end. The Lord sees what the enemies of your life are trying to do and He laughs because He knows you are more than a conqueror! Are there people alive today who have vowed like the rulers in the verse above to destroy Christians? Will the gates of hell prevail against the Church that God is building? You have already been declared a victor before you engaged in a fight.

God laughs article showing a little asian girl laughing

the Lord holds them in derision
Why was God Laughing in this Verse?

“He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision (Psalm 2:4 ESV)

You are probably aware that our God also laughs!
If not, the verse above gives you one of the many scriptural verses in which the Lord laughs at His adversaries.
But what made the Lord laugh in the verse above?
The previous verses give us the context of this divine laughter:
“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, ‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’ He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision (Psalm 2:1-4 ESV)
The leaders and rulers of the earth held secret meetings on how they can destroy and eradicate the people of God.
In today’s terms, they were strategizing on how to destroy Christianity or remove every Christian influence from society.
Does that sound familiar to you, no matter what nation of the earth you are living in today?
The Lord, who sees the secret meetings, and knows the plans and intents of the hearts of men laughs at these men and women.
He sees the futility of their plans, and knows their end.
The Lord sees what the enemies of your life are trying to do and He laughs because He knows you are more than a conqueror!
Are there people alive today who have vowed like the rulers in the verse above to destroy Christians?
Will the gates of hell prevail against the Church that God is building? (Matthew 16:18).
You have already been declared a victor before you engaged in a fight.
Join the Lord to laugh at your enemies and not be afraid of them!
Thank the Lord for the assurance of His presence that protects you and for the assurance of His glory in eternity once your stay on earth is over.
Patrick Oben is a Physician and Minister, bringing healing not only to the physical body but to the spiritual heart. He currently works as as Hospitalist at MercyOne Des Moines, Iowa. He is the Founder of Patrick Oben  Ministries, a teaching ministry that seeks to bring believers into the fullness of the glory of God through conferences, seminars and books.
One of his notable quotes, “the Word of God is the most potent and efficient remedy for all the ailments of humanity”  clearly portrays his experience with the Word as a Physician who is familiar with the powers, both natural and supernatural, to mend broken human beings.
He currently lives in Iowa, USA with his wife, Ma Ayuk, and daughters , Michaela & Gabriella. You can reach out to Patrick using the contact us form or send an email to patrick @ 
God laughs article showing a little asian girl laughing

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