Friday, August 30, 2019

ALL CREATION WORSHIPS YOU - Robert Gay - You are God and we praise you You are Lord we acclaim you You are Eternal Father All Creation worship You All Creation worships You Amen You are God and we praise you You are Lord we acclaim you You are Eternal Father All Creation worship You All Creation worships You All Creation worship You All Creation worships You Oh the Glory of your name The splendor of your name And none can compare With the power of that name You are Jesus! you are Lord! You are God! You are God and we praise you You are Lord we acclaim you You are Eternal Father All Creation worship You All Creation worships You Amen You are God and we praise you You are Lord we acclaim you You are Eternal Father All Creation worship You All Creation worships You All Creation worship You All Creation worships You Oh the Glory of your name The splendor of your name And none can compare With the power of that name You are Jesus! you are Lord! You are God!

Image result for images Creation Worships god
Image result for images Creation Worships god
All Creation Worships You
Robert Gay
Hosanna! Music
Album  :  Victor's Crown

medley - On Bended Knee - All Creation Worships You - Victor's Crown
Image result for images Creation Worships godYou are God and we praise you
You are Lord we acclaim you
You are Eternal Father
All Creation worship You
All Creation worships You

You are God and we praise you
You are Lord we acclaim you
You are Eternal Father
All Creation worship You
All Creation worships You
All Creation worship You
All Creation worships You

Oh the Glory of your name
The splendor of your name
And none can compare
With the power of that name
You are Jesus! you are Lord!
You are God!
Image result for images Creation Worships god
Image result for images Creation Worships godImage result for images Creation Worships godImage result for images All Creation Worships You
Image result for images All Creation Worships YouImage result for images All Creation Worships YouImage result for images Creation Worships god
Image result for images Creation Worships godImage result for images All Creation Worships YouImage result for images All Creation Worships You
Image result for images All Creation Worships You

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