Thursday, January 2, 2020

AFRAID OF GETTING CAUGHT - A Moral Dilemma - When Rebekah learned that her husband, Isaac, was preparing to bless their son, Esau, she quickly devised a plan to trick him into blessing Jacob instead. God had already said that Jacob would become the family leader, however, Rebekah resorted to doing something wrong to ensure that Jacob’s position would become secure. And Jacob did not seem concerned about the deceitfulness of his mother’s plan. Instead he was afraid of getting caught while carrying it out. Often, we are more worried about being found out for doing wrong than about doing what is right. If we are worried about being caught, we are probably in a position that is dishonest. The dilemma is do we continue to do what is wrong with the fear of being caught, or do we determine to do right and live free of guilt and the fear that someone may be watching over our shoulder? Perhaps we would be best to let the fear of being caught be a warning to do right.

Image result for images Esau and jacob
Image result for images Esau and jacob
A Moral Dilemma
afraid of getting caught

Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.” (Isaiah 14:24).

“Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, ‘But my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I’m a man with smooth skin. What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing.’” Genesis 27:11-12 (NIV).
Image result for images Esau and jacobWhen Rebekah learned that her husband, Isaac, was preparing to bless their son, Esau, she quickly devised a plan to trick him into blessing Jacob instead.
God had already said that Jacob would become the family leader, however, Rebekah resorted to doing something wrong to ensure that Jacob’s position would become secure.
And Jacob did not seem concerned about the deceitfulness of his mother’s plan. Instead he was afraid of getting caught while carrying it out.
Often, we are more worried about being found out for doing wrong than about doing what is right.
If we are worried about being caught, we are probably in a position that is dishonest.
The dilemma is do we continue to do what is wrong with the fear of being caught, or do we determine to do right and live free of guilt and the fear that someone may be watching over our shoulder?
Perhaps we would be best to let the fear of being caught be a warning to do right.
If Jacob and Rebekah had simply waited for God to work His way and in His time, they would not have resorted to dishonest means.
And the same goes for us. If we cease taking matters into our own hands, especially if we are resorting to dishonest behavior to bring about a matter, we will pay a price for carrying out our plan through deceit.
‘Dear Lord, please help me to patiently wait upon you for all that I need, rather than taking matters upon myself and be tempted to carry out plans that fall short of honoring you.’
In Jesus’ Mighty Name,
Final Thoughts:
Are we involved in behavior that is not honorable and pleasing to God?
Rather than take matters into our own hands, let’s be patient and wait for God to work.
We can trust that God will work His will, in His way, which is always the best way.
Let’s remember that the Lord has said, Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.” (Isaiah 14:24).
God will not fail us, His plans for us will bring success and offer us a future that is secure and hopeful.

Be Greatly Blessed! result for images Esau and jacob

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