And Faith
is the difference between trust and faith?
Question: What is the difference between Trust and faith?
modern use there is a difference between Faith and Trust.
is usually looked upon as a spiritual concept. It is considered as an
allegiance or belief in a being.
would actually mean that a person places complete confidence and reliance in
another person.
The original language and meaning
understand what faith and trust mean in the Bible we need to go back to the
original language of the New Testament – Greek.
are three primary translations of the word ‘faith’ in Greek.
noun form is ‘pistis’, the adjective form is ‘pistos’, and the verb form is
‘pisteuo’. Each form’s meaning is a variation of the word ‘trust’.
‘pistis’(noun) is a trust in someone or something; ‘pistos’ (adjective) is
trusting as in a trusting person and ‘pisteuo’(verb) literally means ‘I trust’.
when we encounter ‘faith’ in Scripture we read it as ‘trust’. Therefore,
biblically, trust and faith have the same meaning.
Story of the Great Blondin
teachers often quote the story of the Great Blondin to illustrate what it means
to have faith.
was a tightrope walker whose greatest stunt was walking on a tightrope across
the raging Niagara Falls pushing a wheelbarrow.
he began his wheelbarrow stunt, when he asked the watching crowd if they
believed he could do it, they all roared ‘Yes’.
the stunt when he asked them if anyone would sit in the wheelbarrow as he
pushed it along the tightrope, nobody said a word.
Not only believing with our head
is more than believing with our head. It also means believing with our heart
and with our will.
in God means that we believe that God can do what He has said and that we
believe it so thoroughly that we are willing to fully act upon it.
This is
exactly how Abraham acted in the Old Testament.
Genesis 12 God promised to give Abraham an offspring that would ultimately
become a great nation (see verses 2, 7; also 13:6).
But by
Genesis 15, Abraham still hadn’t had a child (verses 2-3).
God said to Abraham, “Look toward heaven, and number the
stars, if you are able to number them.”
Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”
And he
[Abraham] believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:5-6).
So God
again promised Abraham that he would have many, many descendants (verse
what was Abraham’s response? He believed the word of God, that is, he trusted
what God had said – he trusted that he would indeed have a multitude of
descendants (even though he was at least 75 years old (Genesis
12:4) and his wife was at least 65 years old too (see Genesis
This is
the nature of biblical faith/trust: we trust what God has said absolutely and
we act on it, living it out, even though it might appear nonsense to
non-Christians around us; just as it was for Abraham to believe God would give
him a child, or for Noah to build the ark because God had said he would send a
flood (Genesis 6:13-14).
The author of Hebrews agrees with this, he says faith is “being
sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews
True faith
faith in God includes the English concept of trust.
We have
full confidence that God in Christ has given us eternal life and neither death
nor life, angels nor demons, neither the present
nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, neither anything else
in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in
Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
Biblword is a ministry of GlobalRize. Marten Visser
is the founding director of GlobalRize. Marten is a pastor from The Netherlands
with long years of experience as a missionary in Thailand. We now have around
200 people from all over the world involved in GlobalRize’s ministry. Besides
the English page, Biblword also exists in 13 other languages on Facebook.
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