Tuesday, July 10, 2018

MONSTRANCE - A monstrance is a sacred vessel made from gold or another metal in the shape of a cross. For Catholics, the host, otherwise known as the Blessed Sacrament, is the actual physical presence of Christ on earth. When the wafers of unleavened bread and the wine are consecrated at the celebration of Mass, they transform into the Body and Blood of Christ Himself.

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What Is A Monstrance
Richard Marsden 
A monstrance is a sacred vessel made from gold or another metal in the shape of a cross.
The most important feature is a small see-through glass box in the middle of the cross in which a consecrated host is placed for the purposes of Eucharistic adoration.
For Catholics, the host, otherwise known as the Blessed Sacrament, is the actual physical presence of Christ on earth.
When the wafers of unleavened bread and the wine are consecrated at the celebration of Mass, they transform into the Body and Blood of Christ Himself.
This practice originates from the last supper, when Jesus took bread and wine, describing it as his Body and Blood, and told his disciples to eat and drink.
The host is placed in the monstrance, which is put upon the altar during the celebration of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The service is intended for private, quiet prayer, face to face with Christ.
During proceedings, a blessing by the priest holding the monstrance may be given. This is called Benediction.
Prayers may often be said or chanted and hymns may be sung, often in Latin.

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