Monday, January 1, 2018

END TIMES DOOMSDAY PREDICTIONS - This world is going to end. Christ will return. How should a Christian respond to all the doomsday predictions and related news events?



How should a Christian react to all the doomsday predictions out there?
In the 1950’s the world feared it was on the edge of a nuclear apocalypse.
Near the turn of the century, there was worldwide speculation about Y2K and the possible end of the civilized world as a result.
More recently, a pop culture stir arose over the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.
At present, there is discussion in Christian circles over the appearance of blood moons, supposedly also a sign of catastrophic events. 
How, then, should a Christian respond to doomsday predictions and related news events?
From a Christian perspective, our first reaction should be to take a deep breath and relax.
At some point in time, this world is going to end (2 Peter 3:10).
Christ will return at the time He is prepared for (Revelation 19:11-13; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).
And yet, every single person on earth is a split second away from a personal doomsday, right now (Psalm 39:5).
Heart attacks, wars, accidents, and such can bring us face-to-face with our Creator more readily than a global catastrophe (James 4:13-15).
Whether the end times are right around the corner or a long way off, we are called to be prepared, not panicked .(2 Corinthians 6:2.
The vast majority of doomsday predictions are pure speculation, myth, or uninformed hysteria.
Even the Mayans did not think of their calendar cycle as predicting the end of the world.
Computer experts were not the ones pushing the Y2K panic.
And virtually no Christian theologians think that the current blood moon phenomenon is a major indicator of any particular event.
As with other fads and crazes, the discussions are driven by poor reasoning and even worse facts.
A born-again Christian can be confident in his salvation and trust in God to handle everything else, too (Matthew 6:25-34). 
We are told that it is possible to read the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3).
But also that it is impossible for any person to know for sure when the end times will really occur (Matthew 24:36).
Rather than focusing on dates, disputes, and rumors, we ought to concentrate on bringing the gospel to as many people as possible. 
The ship is going down, but before we worry about how and when the end will come, we need to get more people into lifeboats and life jackets!
Are you struggling with a big decision or wondering how your eternal future will play out?
Why not talk to the God of the universe and let Him work in your behalf?
He says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you" (Psalm 32:8).
Ask God to show you what to do. Pray the following prayer:
“Heavenly Father,
I admit that I am a sinner and my sins have separated me from You. I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and begin a new life with You. I receive Your free gift of salvation.
Please forgive me. I now receive your Son, Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Master and my Lord. I believe and confess that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose from the dead.
I want to receive all that Jesus Christ has provided for me as my Savior. Your Word says, ‘Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13).
I believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes unto the Father, but by Him.
Lord Jesus, I pray and ask You, to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I thank You that you have given me eternal life, and according to Your Word, I am born again and I am now a child of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit Who is in me now to help me do Your will for the rest of my life. I surrender my life to You. I promise to study Your Word – the Bible.
Use me for Your glory.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
If you have just put your trust in Jesus Christ, you have been born into God’s family.
As a spiritual baby, you need to grow by feeding on God’s Word – the Bible (1 Peter 2:2).
You must have a good modern translation Bible and begin prayerfully reading it. Start in the New Testament, such as the Gospel of John or Paul’s letters to the Ephesians.
As you read, ask two questions: “What are You, Lord?” “What do You want me to do?”
Also, you need to join a Christian fellowship where the Bible is taught and where God is truly worshiped.
God bless you as you begin your new life with Him!

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